The Order of Saint Eulalia has a very strict policy as to how and where its funds are spent. Unlike other non-profits no member, collaborator or volunteer of the Order is paid for its services or contributions. All work is done pro bono.
1. Every cent collected for a specific purpose is spent in that specific purpose.
When the Order collects money to buy bread or blankets that is where it spends that specific fund to the last cent. No money is diverted to any other objective. There is no hidden agenda.
2. Every cent collected is registered. Whenever the Order receives donations or collects funds, for any purpose whatsoever, it keeps a written record of who, where and how that specific fund or donation was acquired and for what purpose. When the Order collects money in the streets from anonymous donors the name of the person collecting the fund is registered.
3. Travel expenses are either paid by the members or by their sponsors. Whenever there is an event promoted by the Order each member pays for his travel expenses. Whenever the Grand Master or the Royal Family travel worldwide to promote any cause their travel expenses are paid either by the event promoters or by sponsors. Because the Grand Master made a vow of poverty he always travels standard class (or coach). The Order does not pay for travel expenses.
4. Lodging and Food expenses are either paid by the members or by their sponsors. Whenever there is an event promoted by the Order each member pays for his lodging and food expenses. Whenever the Grand Master or the Royal Family travel worldwide to promote any cause their lodging and food expenses are paid either by the event promoters or by sponsors. The Order does not pay for lodging and food expenses.